Sahayog Multistate Credit Co-op Society Ltd.
Support for women’s equal opportunities and their empowerment Sahayog Multi-State Credit Co-op. Society Ltd. has established the popular scheme of Sahyog Mahila Bachat Gat.
By following the basic principles like HARD-WORK, SELF-RELIANCE and SELF-RESPECT, the organisation is constantly striving to inspire women for their economic and social development and to guide and support them at every step. By making women financially strong, there will be economic progress in the family, which will result in the economic and social development of the country. Considering this sacred goal, It will prove to be a growth factor in the system. Women’s savings groups will always be functional. Today, in Sahayog Mahila Bachat Gat Yojana, more than 1,50,000 women are taking benefits and flying high in their lives for success. For the overall development of progressive women, the institution will always stand behind them as a strong base.
Sahayog Multi State Credit Co-op. Society Ltd. Sahayog Kisan Bachat Gat was established because of the outstanding response and enthusiasm of women operated by Sahayog Mahila Bachat Gat. India is an agricultural country. India’s economy primarily depends on agriculture, food grains and commodities produced by the farmers. India is a country of villages, and farmers are the pride of rural India, but, unfortunately, farmers’ issues are neglected today. Lack of opportunities, guidance, ignorance of advanced agricultural knowledge, change in international lifestyle, farming is challenging work, yet its replacement is not available. Today our farmer is fighting with many such dire situations. Today, it is the duty of every Indian, every institution, to keep our goodwill towards the farmer and give priority to the development of the farmer. Sahayog Multi State Credit Co-op for the awareness of this duty. Soc. Ltd. Cooperation of Kisan Bachat Gut This is a small initiative. The organisation’s ultimate aim is to take care of the farmer’s needs and plan easy schemes for them.